What is Cloud Video Surveillance?

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What is Cloud Video Surveillance?

As cloud technology becomes more prevalent across all industries, the push for businesses and organizations to shift from traditional surveillance cameras to cloud video surveillance gets stronger.  For most organizations, opting to shift to cloud video surveillance is an obvious choice, with over 50% of them currently using cloud services. But how does a cloud video security system work, and does it fit your security needs?

The 'cloud' is a remote server for storing video data instead of storing it on a hard drive or local servers. Security camera cloud storage works by transmitting the footage captured by security cameras to these remote servers, where it is stored and can be accessed over the internet. Through a cloud-recording security camera, business owners get live feeds of the activities at their business premises, whether on-site, at home, or in any corner of the world. Some of its benefits include native remote access and centralized management of video surveillance made possible by the video management software. 

In the past, cloud video surveillance was being adopted by businesses for convenience purposes, but recent events have highlighted significant data security concerns leading to their worldwide adoption. Cloud surveillance systems have addressed these data security issues by eliminating the need for port forwarding and making video data more secure against intruders. Furthermore, these systems provide secure access to video data through unique user accounts and data encryption, meaning only authorized users can access the footage. In addition to improved security, cloud systems also provide more reliable backups and endless storage for keeping video footage.

Data security and accessibility aren't the only benefits of deploying cloud surveillance cameras; they also enhance business premise safety. The visibility they provide for all areas of the business premises allows security personnel to quickly respond to potential threats and respond accordingly. Moreover, they help prevent harassment cases since the presence of camera footage assures harassed employees of evidence capable of backing up their stories. This ensures that relevant action can be taken against perpetrators. There's nothing more important than employee safety, as they are the backbone of any business.

Understanding cloud storage for security cameras

Now that you are well-versed with cloud storage for security cameras, it's time to delve into the components of these camera systems and how they are time-effective for IT teams. Furthermore, we'll discuss how, at Spot AI, our cameras are the best for businesses looking for both cloud and on-premise video footage solutions. 

The cloud video management system (VMS) is one of the crucial components that simplifies cloud security camera storage. Companies can collect and analyze evidence through these systems to gain insights into business malpractices and occurrences. The combination of software and hardware components of the cloud VMS provides video analytics tools and access to real-time video monitoring from anywhere. These video analytic tools allow businesses to access a lot of actionable information, such as customer characteristics or behavior necessary to detect potential threats. Features like these guarantee businesses with large premises round-the-clock protection.

Apart from the security benefits of cloud-based video surveillance storage systems, they also have a fast and simple installation and deployment process compared to outdated systems. IT teams in the past struggled to install camera security systems due to their reliance on a centralized IT provisioning process. This process made the deployment and management of new systems difficult for businesses. However, the advent of cloud-based systems solved this by allowing for more distributed approaches, making it easier to deploy and manage new systems. 

Furthermore, cloud technology also simplifies the maintenance of security systems by providing greater visibility into the maintained systems. Traditional systems offered limited visibility, which made it difficult for IT teams to identify potential system vulnerabilities. The great visibility of cloud-based systems allows IT teams to monitor vulnerabilities effectively, simplifying the maintenance process.

Despite the cloud's reliability around the clock, some businesses still prefer to have premise video footage in conjunction with the cloud. If that's part of your business needs, don't worry; Spot AI has you covered. Our hybrid storage system utilizes both edge storage (local) and cloud storage capabilities. This allows your business to have a flexible, cost-effective solution for storing and accessing video footage. 

Cloud security has numerous other benefits to businesses besides employee security and simple deployment. If you're preparing your business for future success, keep reading to learn more about how cloud security is integral for achieving your goals.

The benefits of cloud security

We've provided statistics on the rampant adoption of cloud security camera systems across all industries. This huge sudden growth of the cloud security market can be attributed to the benefits it offers businesses. One remarkable feature of the cloud storage security camera that has been a game changer in the security camera industry is the cloud video intelligence feature. We've already touched on one of its components, the cloud video analytics tools. Other components of cloud video intelligence include Video Intelligence API, apps, and media management tools. 

Spot AI's camera security systems have an inbuilt video intelligence system powered by cutting-edge AI. Our video intelligence tools can empower every person in your business to make correct decisions based on video data that is accurately analyzed. Ultimately, this aids in solving your business problems quickly and efficiently.

 In addition to video intelligence tools, we also offer IP cameras at no additional cost. Our IP cameras’ cloud storage feature allows you to store your video footage remotely and can still function with your already-owned cameras. Furthermore, they come with an IP camera viewer and up-to-date IP camera software that allows you to easily view and manage video feeds from your IP cameras. 

Some other benefits of cloud security camera systems include:

Easy Integrations: Cloud cameras allow easy integrations due to their design, which enables them to work seamlessly with other cloud services. They can be easily customized and integrated with other systems, such as access control and alarm systems. Moreover, regular firmware updates improve their compatibility with other systems.

Cost efficient. Unlike traditional ones, cloud cameras usually have lower upfront costs because they don't require the purchase of expensive hardware like NVRs. Furthermore, they allow scalability, meaning you only pay for the storage and features you need.

Easy to maintain. Cloud security cameras can be easily updated and managed remotely, therefore reducing the need for on-site maintenance and repairs. This frees your IT team from regular maintenance tasks, allowing them to focus on other crucial projects.

Cloud security camera systems are getting better as technology advances. The recent AI revolution we've been witnessing across all industries already has a significant impact on cloud security cameras. There's never been a better time for your business to invest in these cameras.

What to look for in a cloud camera system

If you're looking for a cloud security camera system provider, defining your business needs is crucial. First of all, what's the size of your business? What's your overall budget for acquiring a cloud camera system? If you want an indoor security camera, what are you looking for in the best indoor security cameras for business grounds? Do the features of the best outdoor security camera providers meet your needs? You are assured of making the right choice through a thorough evaluation of your needs. Nevertheless, these are the features of popular providers of the best cloud storage for security cameras.

Advanced technological features. Modern cloud camera systems usually have advanced technological features that enhance their effectiveness. Ensure your preferred cloud security systems are integrated with Intelligence Video Recorders. Furthermore, those recorders should be powered by the latest GPUs and provide 24/7 local storage options with the benefits of the cloud, assuring you of round-the-clock access to video footage.

Clear resolution and wide field of view. A high-resolution camera with a wide field of view is essential for capturing detailed video footage. Look for cameras with a 5 MP resolution for clear images. They should also have a field of view of 112° horizontal, 121° diagonal, 59° vertical, and a digital zoom of more than 15x, determining the area the camera can cover without losing clarity.

Ease of integration with existing systems. A cloud camera system offering APIs for seamless integration with third parties should be your first choice. Integration ensures that all security components can communicate effectively, providing a more simplified installation experience.

Advanced Analytical Features. Many modern cloud camera systems, including Spot AI's, offer advanced analytical features that go beyond basic video recording. Through these features, cameras can reduce false alarms and increase security efficiency. This makes it crucial to consider them when selecting a cloud camera security system.

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